Moje malarstwo opieram na żywej energii i ciągłej inspiracji otaczającym światem. Wnikam w detale, warstwy postrzegania, wielowymiarowość widzenia.
Posługuję się technikami takimi, jak: akryl, olej, pastel, kredki, węgiel, ołówek, a także mieszam techniki. Pracuję w różnych formatach.
Jestem otwarta na różnorodne zlecenia malarskie i rysunkowe. Moim ulubionym motywem pozostaje portret. Interesuje mnie również natura ożywiona, martwa natura, pejzaż, kopie. Zajmuję się malarstwem sztalugowym, projektuję obrazy ścienne. Próbuję swoich sił w charakteryzacji, body paintingu.
Portret to doskonały prezent na każdą okazję. Pejzaż, martwa natura, kompozycje surrealistyczne wspaniale dekorują wnętrze. Cykle tematyczne można wykorzystać do biur i wszelkich dużych przestrzeni, jak kawiarnie, kluby, restauracje. Ilustracje do książek, stron internetowych, materiałów reklamowych.
Zapraszam do kontaktu!
Dominika Daszewska
środa, 22 lipca 2009
niedziela, 5 lipca 2009
Tarot Card Reading
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The Sun
Briefly: Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well.
Full Meaning: This card depicts the Sun and in the front of this are a male and a female looking deep into each others eyes. There are sunflowers on the card, some greenery and a wall in the background. Often this card symbolises Summer or is associated with the sing of Leo. Perhaps an important event will occur around your own Summer month or during the one month time span of Leo which is from July 23 up to August 22. For some this can mean a very special relationship on the horizon, and one that may very well lead to marriage, this will be a successful union and bring much happiness into both people's lives. There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well. Also a distinct possibility is a trip to a warm location in the near future.
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The Sun
Briefly: Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well.
Full Meaning: This card depicts the Sun and in the front of this are a male and a female looking deep into each others eyes. There are sunflowers on the card, some greenery and a wall in the background. Often this card symbolises Summer or is associated with the sing of Leo. Perhaps an important event will occur around your own Summer month or during the one month time span of Leo which is from July 23 up to August 22. For some this can mean a very special relationship on the horizon, and one that may very well lead to marriage, this will be a successful union and bring much happiness into both people's lives. There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well. Also a distinct possibility is a trip to a warm location in the near future.
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